Abhinav Prakashan


1)    Who can buy from Abhinavprakashan.com?

a)  To be able to shop at Abhinavprakashan.com, you should be above 18 years of age and legally allowed, by the laws governing your land, to shop in India.

b) You need to have a valid credit card or debit card (VISA or MASTERCARD) or American express card or Internet Banking or E- Wallet or Paypal account etc.

 c)  We currently deliver to major cities in India and also, outside India (Globally).


2)    I live outside India, can I order for a delivery in India?

Yes, you need to provide an Indian Shipping/Delivery Address at the time of placing an order.

3)    How can I stop Abhinav Prakashan e-mails from going into spam folder?

We take extreme care to not spam our customer’s mail boxes. However, due to personal settings sometimes our emails may land in your spam / junk mail folder. You will need to add Abhinav Prakashan email ids ([email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]) into your trusted sender list.


4)    How do I best to view your site?

Our site is compatible on multiple operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, Mobile & their clones) and can be viewed using the latest stable versions of any of the following browsers.

a)  The site is optimized for 800 X 600 resolution

b) Internet Explorer 8

c)  Firefox

d) Safari & their various versions

e)  Chrome    

Product related Queries


5)    How can I purchase a book from Abhinav Prakashan?

Abhinavprakashan.com is an user friendly website and to place items into your shopping cart, please use our search box to find each title in which you're interested, and click on the Add to Cart button. The number of books ordered and sub - totaled cost will appear in the right hand corner of your screen. To complete your purchase, simply click on the Next button/ Proceed to Checkout button, and complete the easy four-step ordering process.


6)    What type of products do you sell online?

We sell books related product as of now and will soon introduce many other products to make your online shopping on Abhinavprakashan.com even more exciting.


7)    Can you arrange for the delivery of a product which is available in your physical store but not available online?

Yes, we can deliver product which is either featured on the website or available in our stock at physical store and even if due to somehow, the product is not available in our stock then we will make it available directly from either publisher or supplier.


8)    I searched, but I can’t find the product which I saw in one of your stores?

You can directly search for the product you are looking for through the search field provided on every page. Alternatively you can navigate through our site map for categories in which you are most likely to find your desired product.


Payment related Queries


9)    How can I make the payment?

You can choose to pay for an order with any of the below methods:

a) Cash on Delivery.

b) Net Banking.

c) Wallets

d) Credit or Debit Cards

e) UPI

f) Online transfer via third party payment gateway like Paypal, Paytm, Razorpay, PayU money,  Google Pay, BHIM, Bharatpe, Instamojo etc.



10)  Do you have Cash on Delivery (COD) option?

Yes, we do through VPP by India Post.


Cancellation/Returns/Refund related Queries


11)  What happens if a product I have ordered is out of stock?

a)  If the product is “out of stock” when you are trying to add it to your shopping cart, you will be I nformed immediately and the product won’t get added to the shopping cart. You can add such product to your wish list & press the button, tell me when in stock”, by doing so you will get an email from us when the product is available.


b) However, if the product goes out of stock after it has been added to your shopping cart but before check out is completed, you will be informed at the time of check out. You would then need to remove it from your cart before proceeding to check out.


c)  If a product goes out of stock after you have placed your order and received an order-confirmation, then we will put forward our best attempt to fulfill the order by sourcing the selected product. In the event that we are unable to source it for you, or if it is likely to take longer than 10 days to ship, we will inform you about the delay and cancel the product, and reverse any charges made to your credit / debit card against that product.       


12)  How do I know my order has been confirmed?

You’ll receive an e-mail & SMS once you’ve successfully placed an order and even you will get the details of shipment via email and sms.


13)  Is there a limit to the quantity that I can order for?

Yes, the maximum you can order a particular book is 10 copies/quantity, and if you need more in quantity then you have to place an order from the “Bulk Purchase” page.


14)  Can I cancel an order or a product?

a)  Yes, you can cancel the order fully or partially before it is shipped from the “Return & Cancellation” page. To check the status of whether your order has been shipped or not, click on the “My Orders” page link at the top of the page, and then on the link to the specific order, which will indicate the shipping status of each product in your order.

b) However, additions to an order, or changes to the product ordered are not possible. 


15)  Can I change shipping address of the order?

You can change the shipping address before your order is billed and shipped by calling Customer Care or Whatsapp on +91 - 9983111549 from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm, Monday to Saturday Or can email us on [email protected] along with your order details (Order id, date of order etc). We will do our best to ship to the new address.      


16)  What is your return/refund and replacement policy?   

We offer a 3 days refund and exchange policy, which is applicable to most product sold on Abhinavprakashan.com. Please refer our Returns policy for more details.       


17)  How can I return/exchange the product?

You may call Abhinavprakashan.com customer care on +91 -  9983111549 or email us on [email protected], and can send an request for a return or replacement from “Return & Cancellation” page.


18)  How will I receive my money for the product which I have returned or cancelled?

You will receive your money in the same manner in which you paid at the time of purchase. However, for returns in any Abhinav Prakashan store, check the Store returns policy. Most products are returnable in our stores, to check which product cannot be returned in our stores please call our customer care on +91 - 9983111549 or email us on [email protected]. And you may also visit Abhinav Prakashan store in India, and return the product in unused condition, along with the original sale invoice.


Privacy/ Security related Queries


19)  What is your privacy policy?

Please refer our privacy policy for more details.


20)  I want to opt out of the email list, how can I do so?

You can click on the unsubscribe option in the e-mail received by you to unsubscribe from that type of e-mails.


Shipping related Queries


21)  Where do you deliver? or do you deliver to my city?

Yes, we deliver to all cities in India and also, outside India (Globally) as well.


22)  What is your shipping policy?

Please refer our Shipping Policy for more details.


23)  Do you deliver out of India?

Yes, we do deliver out of India (Globally).


24)  Are there any places/ products for which delivery might take longer?

Expected time taken to dispatch the shipment is given against each product on the respective product details page. Typically, all Rajasthan deliveries are completed within 3-5 days post shipment and outside Rajasthan deliveries are completed within 4-6 days post shipment, and out of India deliveries are completed within 20 – 25 days. Once we receive your order we make all attempts to deliver within the committed time, however, it might take longer than expected in some far to reach areas, due to poor logistics connectivity.


25)  What happens if I am out when you deliver?

Our shipping company will leave a message and attempt again. We urge you to plan and coordinate the purchase in a manner that someone is available to accept the shipment at the provided delivery address.   


26)  What if my order arrives damaged?

a)  If you realize that the package is damaged before accepting the delivery, please do not accept the delivery and immediately inform us.

b) If you have accepted the delivery, and then realized that the package is damaged, please feel free to get in touch with us within 3 days of receiving the package. With an exception of a few product we have a 3 days return / replacement policy. For details please refer our returns policy .


27)  What are your shipping charges? Or are there any additional charges for delivery?

We charge for shipping unless otherwise specified. Our shipping charges vary based on factors such as number of product ordered, type of product ordered and delivery destination. For more details please refer our shipping policy .


28)  How do I track my order?

If you are a Registered customer then you can login & check your order status on our website www.abhinavprakashan.com in the My account section. For Guest orders, Please call our customer service no. +91 - 9983111549 from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Saturday Or email us on [email protected] and they will guide you on your order status.


29)  I have placed an order 1 week back, when will I get it? or what is the estimated delivery time?

All orders usually ship within 3-5 working days (minimum) after you place the order. However, sometimes orders get delayed due to stock unavailability. For your specific order, click here to check the “My Orders” page.


30)  What should I do if the product I ordered has reached me in a damaged/defective?

If you realize that the package is damaged before accepting the delivery, please do not accept the delivery and immediately inform us.


31)  How can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order before it is shipped. With an exception of a few product which cannot be cancelled we will refund the full amount charged to your card. For more details please refer our Shipping and Returns policy.


32)  How can I track my order which is in- transit?

You can track your order status online in the “My Orders” section. Or email us on [email protected], we will provide the tracking link.


33)  Is gift wrapping offered as a service? Is it charged?

Yes, you can send a request on our WhatsApp +91 - 9983111549 alongwith your order details, if you would like any product to be gift wrapped. We do not charge additionally for gift wrapping. However, please note the gift wrapped product will be packaged inside our regular packaging to ensure that it is not tampered with, or damaged in transit. 

Registration/Sign up related Queries

34)  Is registration compulsory? Or do I need to register to be able to shop at  Abhinavprakashan.com?

Yes, you need to register to shop at Abhinavprakashan.com. And, if you register you could avail of the benefits of better service, quicker checkout and a host of special privileges.


35)  Are my personal details secured?

Please refer our Privacy policy.   


36)  Under what circumstances can my registration expire?

Usually registrations do not expire. However, if your account is in-active for a fairly long period we may suspend it or de-activate it, in which case, you can contact our Customer care representative on +91 – 9983111549 (WhatsApp) from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Saturday or can email us on [email protected] to activate the account. They will reactivate your account after verification of some details to confirm your identity.  


37)  What are the benefits for registration?

As a registered member you enjoy following benefits: Express Checkout - Sign in and proceed to checkout for quick ordering.
Order History : Review the details of your Order history and status.
Address Book : Create and save addresses of your family & friends for faster check out.   


38)  Can I cancel my registration any time?

Yes, you can cancel or deactivate your registration at your wish. You will need to contact our Customer Service Representative on +91 – 9983111549 (WhatsApp) from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Saturday or can email us on [email protected] with a request and reason for cancellation and we will do the needful within 15 working days.     


39)  What if I have forgotten or changed my password?

We can help you retrieve your password if you go to the “forgot password” link on the Login page, and enter your mobile number registered with us. We will sms & email your password to the Email ID/ Mobile number provided after some validations.

And you can change your password in the “Change Password” section after login into “My Account” profile.



40)  Can I edit my personal details?

Yes, most of your personal detail is editable. It can be done in the “My Profile” section after login into “My Account” profile. However, you will not be able to modify your email id.


41)  What if I have forgotten my login id/ customer id?

You may write to us at [email protected] with following details which you provided at the time of sign up.


42)  How can I change my email address? Can I change the email Id I used for registration?

You cannot modify your e-mail address in the “My account” section. You can change the other details:

a)     Full Name

b)    Gender

c)     Mobile

d)     Alternative Contact no.

e)    Date of birth

f)     Address (Address, City, State, Country, Pincode)


43)  Is email address mandatory when registering?

Yes. Your email ID is the same as your username/login ID, and is therefore required when you create an account on Abhinavprakashan.com.


Submission related Questions

44)  How can I ensure that work is not copied or used elsewhere even if it is rejected?

Abhinav Prakashan believes in transparency and loyalty towards its authors and the people associated with it. We as a publisher respect each work we get for evaluation.



45)  Will I be given reasons for rejection?

Our editorial board has the final authority of accepting or declining a manuscript. The reasons are not disclosed.


46)  Can I send the proposal again, once it is rejected?

No, If the rejected manuscript is sent again, it will straight away be rejected by our editorial team.


47)  Will I get the Manuscript back?

Due to high load, it is not possible for us to maintain a record for manuscripts which are rejected. So, the sender will be wholly responsible for maintaining a copy with himself. Abhinav Prakashan is not at all responsible for any loss/damage/misplace.


48)  How long will it take for the evaluation of my work?

Abhinav Prakashan has a group of editors who evaluate the work within a set time frame of 1 month for primary evaluation keeping in front all the possibilities linked with the manuscript.


49)  How do I send my proposals?

The manuscripts can be send to us either by submitting “Author submission form” from Publish with us page or can e-mail it at [email protected] Or also, can send the hard copies well on the following address:

Abhinav Prakashan

Address: First Floor, 56, Opposite Allahabad Bank,

Kutchery Road, Ajmer (Rajasthan), India. Pin : 305001

Phone: + 91 – 0145 – 2431158, +91 – 9983111549


50)  What kind of proposals will be entertained and evaluated?

Abhinav Prakashan is open to considering for Publishing in Hindi & English languages of all genres like Fiction (Novels, Novellas and Short Stories), Non- Fiction novels, Children’s books, Poetry, Biographies and Memoirs, Current Affairs, Business, Travel, Cookery, Religion, Philosophy and Self- Help, Reference and Quizzing, Photography and Illustrated books, Coffee table books, Thesis, Academic, Text books etc.

Publishing process related Queries

51)  Will the final book be published after my approval?

Abhinav Prakashan has a process that keeps authors in loop at each step. Before the approval of the author on the previous step, the next step is not initiated.


52)  Will the cover of my book designed by the Abhinav Prakashan? Will it be designed by my consent?

Abhinav Prakashan have a full team of designers ready to support the authors 24×7. The cover will be designed with full consent with the author.


53)  Do I need to edit my book?

Abhinav Prakashan provide full liberty to the authors to keep their work original. So, they can opt for self editing. However, if not, Abhinav Prakashan has a dedicated team in the name “Trust Worthy Editing Works” for flawless editing.


54)  Should I go for traditional publishing or self publishing?

Abhinav Prakashan support both traditional and self published books. It is entirely the decision of the author. Please refer to publishing process tab for the details.


55)  How long will it take for my book to hit the markets after the agreement is  made?

Abhinav Prakashan have a motive that there should not be any delay after the agreement. If all goes smooth, the book will hit the market within three months of signing the agreement.


56)  Who sets the price of my book?

The price of the book is set by Abhinav Prakashan in both traditional publishing and the self publishing method.


57)  What are the royalties, distribution and promotions schemes, number of copies that will be published etc.?

We at Abhinav Prakashan follow a strategy for each book which varies from genre to genre to make to most out of the book. Hence, all these points are discussed once the book is accepted for publishing by our editorial team. Before that, the data being confidential would not be shared.


58)  When will be the agreement made? And what will be the duration of agreement of that an author will sign?

Since agreement is generally made when the terms and conditions are final, Abhinav Prakashan follow the same legal guidelines and the agreement is made when all the conditions are accepted by both the publisher and the author after the finalization of the manuscript.

And the agreement will be signed for a minimum 3 years.


59)  Do I need to come to the office of Abhinav Prakashan for signing the agreement?

Since writers can be from any corner of India or outside India, we understand that it is not possible for everyone to visit Abhinav Prakashan. So, the agreement will be sent to the author by mail or any other source. However, if someone wish to visit the office, the doors are always open.

There are various publishing packages provided by Abhinav Prakashan. We provide special service even to have customised packages as per the authors requirement.


61)  Who owns the rights to my book ?

You maintain the full rights to your book! We exist to help you reach the market via our distribution partners and act as a publishing label. Publishing with Abhinav Prakashan is a non-exclusive publishing agreement. We don’t own any of your content and you can even publish it elsewhere if you wish by taking a NOC from us.

Marketing relating Queries/ Questions

62)  Will my book be available in Book Stores?

Yes, we have tie-ups with certain bookstores across India. However, the availability of a particular title/titles depends entirely upon the selection of the Bookstore/ Distributor. We are working hard to expand our distribution network.


63)  Will the book be available as an e-book on stores?

All the titles will be available as e-book on Kindle, Kobo, Goodreads, Ingram, Smashwords, Scribd and other leading e-book stores online.


64)  Will my book be available on online portals?

In modern scenario, online selling of books is an essential part for success of any book. Keeping in view, we promote our books on all leading e-commerce sites (Abhinav Prakashan, Amazon, Flipkart, Infibeam etc).


65)  Will the book be available in literature fests?

Abhinav Prakashan takes part in many literature fests, Book Fair/ Book exhibition around the country. All the titles of Abhinav Prakashan are promoted at those events.

Support after Book – Release

66)  Should I concentrate any of my efforts on special sales?

Every book is a success only when the author and the publisher work in coordination with each other. Abhinav Prakashan promotes books but it is just the half job done. So, author need to promote the book at his/her level as well.


67)  What if I want to purchase my book?

If the author needs more copies other than the complimentary copies, then author can purchase the book from Abhinav Prakashan at an attractive discount.


68)  Will Abhinav Prakashan help me launching the book?

Yes, we have certain tie ups in the country which help us to promote the book and same will be available for all the authors getting published by us.


69)  What is the system for the royalty payment? How frequent will it be paid?

The royalty to the author will be paid on half yearly basis. Please refer to Submission guidelines (Publish with us page).


70)  How often will I get the sales report of my novel?

Abhinav Prakashan present a sales report on Quarterly basis.
